
Essential Graphic Design Book List

If you are serious about becoming a designer, this list is a place to start collecting and reading for your career.

PingMag - The Tokyo-based magazine about "Design and Making Things" � Archive � Toward Design Literacy: Essential Graphic Design Literature

I was urged to read certain books on graphic design during my undergraduate education, but it wasn’t until I had a few years of work under my belt and was attending graduate school at CalArts that I was able to really appreciate much writing about design...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - I just read this book list on Ping Mag and I have read many of the books on the list. I just posted a blog entry on my site with a list of essential graphic design books as well...my list is composed of books based on the choice of fellow designers on my site's forum and other forums. Here is the list - http://allgraphicdesign.com/graphicsblog/2007/04/22/list-of-top-essential-graphic-design-books/