

A beginner's guide to freelancing (Phil Gyford: Writing)
It’s been over a year since I first thought of writing down everything I’ve learned about freelancing. I’ve now been freelance for more than three years but the title still has a double meaning — this is both for beginners and by a beginner, because I know I still have a lot to learn.


Typography Article

creativepro.com - dot-font: Using Expert Characters and Expert Sets

Extra typographic characters, the elements that make fine typography possible in digital typesetting, used to be unavailable in a standard font. If they existed for an individual typeface, they were packed into a second, supplementary font known as an 'expert set.' The expert set was a separate font, and you had to pay for it separately, but it was typically a fraction of the cost of the primary font.




We are a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21st century.

To this end, Adbusters Media Foundation publishes Adbusters magazine, operates this website and offers its creative services through PowerShift, our advocacy advertising agency.


More on Innovation in Business Week

Want a Master of Design with That?

Denis Weil explains how going back to school helped him with his role in innovation at McDonalds


Smart Design Students on the Road

TRAN.sit National Studio Tour

In a field that can be based as much on networking and personality as it is on creativity and skill; who you know can be the handshake between finding a good job and finding a great job. We have decided that we want to meet as many designers and creatives as we can; our direction is destined by a road map.


How Magazine Blog

How Magazine

One of the best design magazines on the rack now has a blog of its own. And it's good.

Free Online Illustration Class

Why Doodle? How do you become a better artist? How do you improve your raw drawing skills? Simple, just start doodling. Like physical exercise you'll get creatively stronger and improve over time.

Stamp Out Bad Design


Cool site that aim at stamping out bad design and educating the visually illiterate.

Designers who Blog

Designers who Blog: collaborative weblog


DesignCharts: Top Web Design

DesignCharts // Weekly Top 40 Website Design Charts // Because Web Designers Are The New Rockstars // Best Website Designs Updated Weekly

Inspiring Sites

The Coke side of life

1000 journals - Pure Inspiration

1000 journals

The 1000 Journals Project is an ongoing, collaborative experiment attempting to follow 1000 journals throughout their travels.

The goal is to provide a method for interation and shared creativity. If you ask a kindergarten class how many of them are artists, they'll all raise their hands. Ask the same question of 6th graders, and maybe one third will respond. Ask high school grads, and few will admit to it. (explained in Orbiting the Giant Hairball)

What happens to us growing up? We begin to fear criticism, and tend to keep our creativity to ourselves. Many people keep journals, of writing or sketching, but not many share them with people. (when was the last time a friend invited you to read their diary?) You will not be judged here. And you will have company. This is for you. For everyone.


Another Great Design Blog

Ace Jet 170: Found type, print and stuff

I'm an English graphic designer working in Belfast. Married with two very young, active, funny and very brilliant boys. At work I develop and implement brands and corporate IDs mostly, work very hard and eat well.

Color Palette Generator

Color Palette Generator
Enter the URL of an image to get a color palette that matches the image. This is useful for coming up with a website color palette that matches a key image a client wants to work with.

Dreamweaver Tips

creativepro.com - Dreamweaver Design Challenge: Tables vs. Layers
This article was inspired by two questions I've received many times since Dreamweaver added the layers feature. The questions are, 'How come I can center my design when I use tables in Dreamweaver, but I can't center layers?' and 'How come when I combine tables and layers, the alignment of elements sometimes looks terrible?'


Smithsonian Photography Initiative

Smithsonian Photography Initiative

Today we have more than 13 million images in some seven hundred collections throughout our museums and research centers. The collections are organized by museum and discipline — for instance, the National Museum of Natural History holds natural science images in its collections, the National Air and Space Museum houses images of flight in its archives, and the National Museum of African Art holds photographs of Africa in its collections. We believe that the Smithsonian's ability to look at photography broadly and in context makes the institution unique.

Design Reference

Nine skills that separate good and great designers

The crux of the session were comparisons of good and great designers, structured along the lines of previous articles I’ve written: Good designers (blank), Great designers (blank). Following is a recap of the 9 skills presented.


More on Design Innovation in Business Week

Business Innovation: Innovation & Design
Strategy, creativity & research

Innovation All the Time - That's the daily order of business in the creative professions. Here's how to apply their practices to your own company...

Portfolio Examples

coroflot.com - Design Portfolios

The Best Design Schools

The Best Design Schools

Business Week loves Design...

More Historical Reference (1992-95)

stickers circa 1992-1995

between the years of roughly 92 through 95 i peeled many a sticker in the lower east side. this was before i shut my eyes to the barrage of information on the streets out of consumer exhaustion; before i became a working graphic designer and was still impressed by, and hungry for, nifty logos and graphics. anyhow, now-a-days the premium on every inch of personal space here in the city has curbed my junk collection, but the old piles managed to stick around. now, over ten years on, i thought these stickers were a pretty cool little time capsule and i’ve decided to post some of them for your browsing pleasure. a few were designed by friends. one i designed myself during that period. click any to see larger image. enjoy!

Design History Resource

19th Century Circus & Magic Posters - a photoset on Flickr.


Take study-worthy lecture notes

Geek to Live: Take study-worthy lecture notes - Lifehacker
Copying class notes after the fact is a time-consuming way to study for an exam, but it was the only thing that truly worked for me back in college. But next week I'll be in a classroom again for the first time in 8 years, pen poised over notebook, and this time I'm going to perfect a strategy that gets my notes right the first time: the Cornell Note-taking method.

How to Be a Student

How to Be a Student
The typical college campus is a friendly place; but it is also a competitive environment. The education you receive there, and the attitudes you develop, will guide you for the rest of your life.