Flame is a painting program, it belongs to my 'I am Artist' experimental project. I think with tools which inspires you, everyone can be an artist. You can try it here, change different brush settings and paint your own flame paintings. When you change background from black to white, palette changes from additive to subtractive and the feeling of the painting is very different. It's not easy to explain all brush parameters, so I leave this for your experimentation.
Online Drawing Tool
flame | peter blaskovic | escape motions
Funny and enlightening article about the site.
The Medium - RateMyProfessors.com. - NYTimes.com
The Medium - RateMyProfessors.com. - NYTimes.com
RateMy Professors.com, which started in 1999, is a lovable relic of Web 1.0. With more than 10 million quirky, untrustworthy reviews, it’s going strong. Read it like a novel, watch it like MTV, study it like sociology. Just don’t base any real decisions on it.
Graphic Design Internship Info Links
These are packed with useful info to help you in the process of finding a great internship. Read thoroughly & make notes. :)
A guide to internships — AIGA | the professional association for design
How to Land a Great Internship for Graphic Design
Welcome to Graphic Design Internship
Graphic design intern jobs | Simply Hired
A guide to internships — AIGA | the professional association for design
How to Land a Great Internship for Graphic Design
Welcome to Graphic Design Internship
Graphic design intern jobs | Simply Hired
Film and TV Title Competition at SXSW!
South by Southwest to Honor Film and TV Title Sequences - NYTimes.com
Next week in Austin, Tex., the South by Southwest festival will honor the winners of a film and television titles competition, a rare move to recognize those miniature stories and graphics displays that surround the opening credits before the real story unfolds.
More AIGA advice for design students
<em>Transitions</em> e-newsletter — AIGA | the professional association for design
Hasn’t been published in quite a while, but still some very good information.
Welcome to Transitions, an e-newsletter created for AIGA student members to help in their education and eventual transition to the workplace as a professional designer. Although not currently published, It includes straightforward articles on subjects of interest to students; provides personal reading lists about the transition from the perspective of famous designers; and offers references to other materials on our website you may find useful.
Hasn’t been published in quite a while, but still some very good information.
Transitioning From Design Student to Designer
After School Special: Advice for Emerging Designers — AIGA | the professional association for design
Great advice for graduating students from the AIGA. Be sure to read the comments!
Great advice for graduating students from the AIGA. Be sure to read the comments!
Design Research Resource
AIGA Design Archives
The archives of AIGA serve to identify, preserve and make available records of enduring value. AIGA’s aim is to make conditions suitable for access and to support research that will add to the literature of design and to safeguard its legacy.
2010 Interactive Annual
Communication Arts - 2010 Interactive Annual
Interactive Annual 16 Winners
This year’s winners were selected, by our distinguished jury, from a group of entries including Web sites, Kiosks, CD-ROM projects and mobile devices. The 39 winning projects are showcased below, and in further detail in the March/April 2010 issue of Communication Arts magazine.
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